Mercado del Pueblo | The Farmers Market in Sayuita from november through march

from november through may

Join us on Fridays,10 am - 2 pm in Sayulita's not-for-profit Farmer's Market.
Organic Products! Hand made! Local Artisans!

Our Story

In 2009, 1 was having lunch with a friend in Sayulita. We spoke about our fantasy jobs; things we would do if we had all the time in the world. 1 said “I would open up a farmer’s market in town so we could actually find organic products.” My friend then informed me that that was jusi what we were going to do. Four weeks later, we had a small group of market organizers, 6 vendors, and a borrowed, vacant lot that was overgrown and often stank of animal droppings. By the end of our first season, we had 16 vendors and a large group of loca Is who depended on us for organic, natural, and local products. The years that followed included lots of moves, lots of visits to farms, and lots of community meetings. Ali of this lead us to the market that we are today. We are proud to have brought healthy awareness and food products to Sayulita and to witness this movement flourish as products are adopted by local stores and restaurants.

Currently, the Mercado del Pueblo is located on calle Revolucion jusi north of the main bridge, across from Galería Tanana and hosts nearly 80 vendors. In addition to providing natural, organic, and unique products, the Mercado has become a critical, weekly event that brings together friends, food, live music, and education to its residents and visitors

The Market is an excellent opton if you like to buy organic or handmade things, it is a good to support local producers as well as everything they sell is fresh and healthy


Visit us

we are pretty close to the main plaza

"What a fun place to see. Markets, stores and streets have so much energy. lt reminded us of the feeling of being in the NYC Village area without the city buildings. Beautiful streets, good music and fun hip hop culture. I highly recommend visiting"

ken j

Our Philosophy

The philosophy of the Mercado del Pueblo is to bring local, sustainable, and natural food and consumable products to the people of Sayulita and its surrounding communities in an inviting, community location. All products at the market are grown, raised, harvested, preserved or transformed in some way by the vendors. The Mercado is organized and managed by a small group of local women who are dedicated to this vision. We are proud to be the only local market that donates all of our proceeds the needs of our communities. We work closely with local officials and organizations to prioritize these needs together. The Mercado Committee actively seeks the input and collaborations of all community members in the hopes of creating a shared vision for the Mercado.

Our dearest visitors and vendors

get inspired today

Our Team

You couldn't get in better hands





Contact Us

Do you have questoins? Doubts? or more information about the market? Contact us, we will respond as soon as possible. Thanks!

marcado del pueblo

Av. Revolución 
Sayulita, Nayarit
P: +52 322 146 8902
